Each and every little thing about this life's amazing Doing this for myself and a woman who deserves me. Every little part of creating home is radical creating our universe out of love building a dream from scratch With her gaping mouth I can build an empire What a way to go to go out smiling And as soon as she stops I can play grandpa of two So do me right, baby, do your man with meaning Squeeze and please me With no end or beginning Kiss me long and varied with everything you love and treat me lovingly inside out And on the outside, we can share the world, by bike, on foot and plane. Come with me to Hardy's Wessex, Danube cruise to Budapest, Wildlife preserves of Africa, Pyramids of Egypt, markets of Morocco, the American southwest, northeast, down to New Orleans and Key West, and best of all, regular time with three daughters, and a son wher...
Poems from David Barry Temple