After each chapter I look to see;
Has she read the update about me?
The Instant Messenger doesn't show
And Melville has more to say
About schools and schoolmasters
how a cavalier bull fights for his harem
And different sex characteristics;
How a struck forty-barrel bull’s gang quits him
But a stricken harem’s member swim around her
With every token of concern.
So who is this woman I seek between chapters
Compared with Moby Dick?
Like the difference between fast and loose fish;
That whalers capture and inadvertently lose
Ha! A fast fish belongs to the party originally fastened
While a loose fish is fair game for the soonest to
Because possession is half the law
Or the whole of the law depending
Like a rapacious landlord to the widow’s last
His ruinous discount had he but not Mordecai,
Who lent to keep, from starvation,a family
Fast fish they'd be.
after each chapter I look to see
Chapter ninety, heads to the king and tails to the
I see she wrote she’s been busy
Dealing with her distraction,
Not Melville or me.
April 18, 2021
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