Like an arrow flying upwards
before the inevitable
I know I'm getting old,
but why wait around to tell?
with ten more years of tequila on a red horse
set the tone, be my own boss.
Moving to the melody of Mambo and Calypso
of two longing people who've met their match
a couple that didn't know how long
they'd be surviving progress.
Through the lateral move of reincarnation
The duty of our last lives done
it brought us to the next plateau.
where our minds are upbraided
after contemplated
not waiting to restart
but follow the path to the heart is
a part of what life is coming to
the many I will set free doing what I do
so long as one of is me
to my heart be true
of the many in this lifetime
Staying fresh
not ending up in a dumpster
April 3, 2021
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